
Based on the award winning KIDS model of service-learning, discover the steps in creating a quality service-learning experience in partnership with students and community organiza­tions. This institute will be an interactive, collaborative learning experience. Institute partici­pants will develop project ideas integrated with curriculum requirements and assessment models, and practice strategies to build a collaborative environment in the classroom and help students reflect on and celebrate their work.

Target Audience and Workshop Length:

Four day institutes are designed for educators and administrators new to our model, as well as, experienced service-learning practitioners who wish to expand their "toolbox" and reinvigorate their practice.

Participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of service-learning and its basic components
  • Learn how service-learning differs from community service and community-based learning
  • Develop a basic understanding of the steps involved in a quality service-learning project
  • Discover strategies that support youth voice in all aspects of project planning and implementation
  • Learn about current research on service-learning and its impacts on students, teachers, and communities
  • Learn techniques for building a collaborative environment in the classroom
  • Learn about building partnerships and utilizing school and community resources
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the role of reflection
  • Become familiar with resources available locally and nationally to support service-learning
  • Begin planning a KIDS model service-learning project

Download a PDF Brochure- Harkins Consulting Summer Institutes